Elisy .Net Bridge SDK 3.3 has been released

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Elisy .Net Bridge SDK 3.3 has been released

Postby Elisy » Thu Nov 18, 2010 5:20 am

Elisy .Net Bridge SDK 3.3 has just been released. It includes minor bug fixes only and new features.
Product Elisy .Net Bridge v.3.3
1. New methods GetTypeByName (returns type by type name) and NewT (allows to create typed classes like List<T> etc.)
For example you can use the following clause:

Code: Select all

list = net.NewT("System.Collections.Generic.List`1", "Elisy.LinqTo1CSql.Table");


Code: Select all

dataSource = net.NewT("Microsoft.Research.DynamicDataDisplay.DataSources.EnumerableDataSource`1",
   net.GetTypeByName("Elisy.NetBridge.Chart.Models.Day"), list);

2. New method LoadAssemblyFromTemplate loads assembly from 1C:Enterprise template. For example:

Code: Select all

assembly = net.LoadAssemblyFromTemplate(GetTemplate("ElisyPhotoEditorCroppingTool"));

3. Numeric values can be NaN. NaN value is treated as a string "{NaN}" to check in 1C:Enterprise scripts.
4. Sample demonstrating 3d WPF features in 1C:Enterprise has been implemented
5. Technique of on-the-fly C# 3.5 compiling has been prepared to enable new .Net features in 1C:Enterprise. You can use LINQ, extension methods, anonymous types, lambda expressions, query keywords, auto-implemented properties, partial method definitions etc.

Product Elisy LinqTo1C v.1.2
1. Elisy .Net Bridge v.3.3 support
2. Several tabular parts support
3. Minor bug fixes
4. System.Nullable<System.DateTime> recognition
5. Tabular part service fields recognition (_KeyField and reference to object field)

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